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HiPP goes beyond organic:

The HiPP Organic Seal guarantees the highest quality and exceeds the legal requirements for organic production.

No GMOs - genetically modified organisms (according to the EC Organic Farming Regulation)

  • The best of nature + the latest in science.
  • The best-selling organic formula in Europe.
  • HiPP Organic Combiotic is recommended for consumption from birth to 12 months.
  • Without added sugars
  • Contains DHA and ARA: The new recipe contains the amount required by the new European legislation. DHA belongs to the omega-3 fatty acid family and ARA to the omega-6 family. Our DHA is extracted from natural and organic sources, certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
  • Contains only lactose: The natural sugar found in milk and recommended for infants.
  • Our formulas contain an exclusive combination of Probiotics and HiPP Prebiotics, clinically proven for infants born by cesarean section or natural delivery. Babies born by cesarean section have an altered gut microbiota that more closely resembles the bacterial flora on mom's skin than the bacterial flora obtained by babies born naturally. In general, the density of good bacteria found in the microbiota of a baby born by cesarean section is up to 3 times lower than that of a baby born by natural delivery.
  • Probiotics: Lactobacillus fermentum (L.fermentum) are natural lactic acid producing microorganisms. HiPP COMBIOTIC® is the only formula brand that uses this probiotic which has not been genetically modified.
  • Prebiotics: Galacto-oligosácaridos (GOS) is an organic prebiotic that functions as "food" for probiotics and is derived from natural lactose.
  • Most important for the microbiota is the symbiotic combination of prebiotics and probiotics (L.fermentum + GOS) as it exists in nature - one without the other has little benefit.
  • The HiPP COMBIOTIC® formula contains 100% organic and natural ingredients. It has over 260 quality studies supporting the formula along with its unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics. These studies prove that its combination is safe and effective.
  • Added with Vitamins A, C, D and Iron at the levels recommended by the European Union.
  • Produced under strict organic regulations. FREE FROM:


    • Any use of pesticides.
    • Synthetic Hormones / Growth Hormones
    • Artificial fertilizers
    • GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)
    • Gluten
    • Soy
    • Artificial flavors
    • Artificial colors
    • Maltodextrin and corn syrup
contains 600 g
Further Information View label for more information (PDF)

Article No.: 2031-01-M

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